On November 16, Moscow hosted the fifth anniversary Forum of Woman Who Matters

In 2021, in addition to the traditional topics dedicated to diversity, equality and inclusion (Diversity, Equality & Inclusion), special attention was paid to the sustainable development agenda (ESG-Environmental, Social, and Corporate Governance), which is reflected in the name of the forum: WE Diversity&Sustainability 2021.
Since 2017, the Woman Who Matters Forum has been collecting and presenting to the public the best corporate practices of leading companies in relation to women, raising important issues within the framework of the Diversity&Inclusion policy and bringing together business and society on its platform, helping them build a dialogue.
Within the framework of the forum, a solemn ceremony of awarding the winners of the Woman Who Matters Prize was held.
With the Women in Mining Russia project , Deloitte CIS became the winner in the nomination “Initiatives and practices of companies aimed at building a gender balance within the company”.
The WE Diversity&Sustainability agenda focuses on best corporate practices in the field of sustainability, diversity and inclusion, and issues such as:
- Opportunities and obstacles to the effective involvement of business in the achievement of sustainable development goals
- how the choice of a sustainable development strategy affects the capitalization of a business
- what is D&I culture, how does it differ from traditional corporate culture, and what challenges and opportunities does it present to managers and employees
- how and what company initiatives are changing attitudes towards the agenda of equality, diversity and inclusion not only of employees, but of society as a whole.
“Since 2017, the Woman Who Matters Forum has been collecting and presenting to the public the best corporate practices of leading companies in relation to women, raising important issues within the framework of the Diversity&Inclusion policy and bringing together business and society on its platform, helping them build a dialogue.