“My father, grandfather and even great-grandfather worked in the mining industry.”

Galina Gazaleeva, head of the department of ore dressing and special research methods at JSC “Uralmekhanobr” (part of JSC “UMMC”), has been working in the mining and metallurgical industry for 44 years and is engaged in scientific activities, primarily in the field of mineral processing. In a mini-interview she talks about her main vocation in life – science.
– Galina please tell us a little about yourself and your achievements.
– In 1977 I graduated from the Sverdlovsk Mining Institute with a degree in Mineral Processing. In 1988 I defended my candidate’s thesis at the Leningrad Mining Institute on “Development of technology for enrichment of magnetite-bearing asbestos ores”, and in 2009 I received a doctoral degree of technical sciences already in Moscow, at the Institute of problems of complex development of mineral resources of the Russian Academy of Sciences. The theme of my doctoral dissertation is “Scientific substantiation and development of the technology of enrichment of asbestos ores with obtaining finished products of high quality”.
In total, I have 185 scientific articles, 7 patents and 6 monographs and textbooks on mineral and technogenic raw material processing. Now I am the supervisor of master’s students studying in the program “Enrichment and preparation of raw materials for metallurgical processing” at the Technical University of UMMC.
In 2014, I was awarded a Certificate of Merit from the Russian Ministry of Industry and Trade.
I have other regalia: I am a member of the editorial board of the international level scientific journal “Ore Enrichment”. (St. Petersburg); member of the NSOMTI Methodological Council on Technology Development under Rosnedra (Moscow); member of the Dissertation Council at UGU, (Ural State Mining University). I was also awarded the silver medal for the best paper at the World Mineral Processing Congress IMPC-2018 .
– You have 40 years of experience in science. Tell us, what is “science” for you?
– This is the main goal of my life, I come from an academic family, and my father, grandfather and even great-grandfather worked in the mining industry, including in science. For many years I have been working in applied science with great pleasure. We do research that allows us to introduce various enrichment technologies into production. Enrichment processes are based on the laws of physics and chemistry. Minerals have different physical and chemical properties and by investigating them we develop different enrichment process options. A significant personal and collective achievement for us is the implementation of our technologies at enrichment plants. The scientific division of the institute is a team of scientists who always strive to create something new, clearly following the studied regularities.
– What would you like to wish to young scientists who are just starting out on their journey?
– I would like to wish them an interest in acquiring new knowledge. If a young specialist has a desire to get interesting scientific and practical results and not to stop – success awaits him. Research in mineral processing is difficult and hard work. Almost always young scientist have to work in difficult conditions, but if he is interested, if he is not afraid of difficulties, then, eventually, he will become a real specialist, a real scientist. I recommend to young specialists to read industrial journals, to take part in scientific conferences, seminars, to work on dissertation. In my opinion, writing a PhD thesis is a qualification milestone.