"Every person is your teacher"

Svetlana Tsyrulnikova recognizes gold from the Verninsky deposit from thousands of other ingots. And not because she is the head of the technical control department of the Verninsky GOK, who, like Our Father, knows all the standards and parameters. Svetlana is a hereditary miner, she has a special contact with minerals in order to understand them, she does not need words.
– Svetlana, women rarely devote their lives to mining. It’s more of an exception than the rule. What were your arguments?
– None. Of course, I could say that I continued the family dynasty. But His Majesty chance interfered with me. At school, I dreamed of being a psychologist. Despite the good performance, the first time did not work out. I had exactly one year to even better prepare for the exams and make a second attempt. In order not to waste time in vain, she got a job in the laboratory of a mining and processing plant. The world of minerals fascinated me so much that when it was time to enter, I chose the Chita Polytechnic Institute with a degree in mineral processing.
– And if you go back to your dynasty, who became its founder?
– My grandfather Mikhail Sergeevich. In Transbaikalia, at a coal mine, he was the head of the mining equipment garage. When my mother, Valentina Mikhailovna, was at school, they came from the Chita Mining College to recruit students. She successfully passed the exams and was enrolled in an educational institution. Having received a diploma in the specialty “enrichment technician”, my mother first came to Buryatia by distribution to a plant where fluorite was mined. In the future, for many years she worked as the head of the main building at the processing plant of the Zhireken ferromolybdenum plant in Transbaikalia. She never regretted her choice in her life. Mom always said that this profession never let her down, thanks to her she had a stable job and salary. We are three children in the family and all have devoted their lives to mining. My brother works at Bystrinsky GOK as a dump truck driver. And my sister works in a mining company as a controller of enrichment products.
– You started your first steps in the profession at the Zhireken GOK. Do you remember your impressions when you came to the processing plant?
– Well, you won’t forget that. The overhead crane, dump trucks, and excavators left an indelible impression. At that moment, the factory was undergoing repairs, the crane was moving huge parts of the mills. When you see that these mechanical giants are controlled by people, it is very inspiring, you feel pride in the strength and power of a working person.
What was it about the lab that made you give up on your original dream?
– At first I was attracted by the secrets of the human soul. But when I picked up the minerals, it turned out that they can tell a lot of things without words, it was a revolution in my mind. The dialogue consists of research on a microscope, various calculations, when you plunge headlong into the storerooms of the earth. Time in the process of research flies by unnoticed. And when you find something, you are overwhelmed with an incomparable feeling of a discoverer.
– How did you get into Polyus Verninskoye?
– I worked at Zhirekensky GOK for 14 years: I was a shift foreman in the main building, a control panel operator, and reached the position of assistant to the head of the factory for technology. Due to the unfavorable economic situation in the country, the company was closed. I was invited as a foreman to the quality control department at the Verninsky GOK. After 3 years, she became the Deputy Chief Technologist for Research. Responsible for cooperation with research institutes, which involved in the implementation of innovations to increase the recovery of gold from ore. Then I was offered the position of head of the OTK. This is my eighth year of work at Polyus Verninskoye.
– What are your responsibilities?
– The main task of the department that I head is to monitor the observance of technological discipline at each stage of gold processing plant production from the receipt of ore from the open pit to the shipment of gold bars. In the area of our responsibility is the control over the implementation of all technological parameters. We are responsible for the reliability of the data obtained during the selection and preparation of samples.
Is it difficult to work with so many people?
– Not for me. Every person – whether it be my leader or a student-trainee, I perceive as my teacher. This is the case. When I was a young specialist, my bosses saw the potential in me, they shared their knowledge and experience with me. If your mentor, teacher, believes in you, it helps to grow professionally. And today I myself learn a lot from young people. They have a fresh outlook, new ideas, and with their positive attitude they inspire the creation of interesting projects.
– Are these projects being implemented or is something left on paper?
– Our joint projects are not just implemented, but also bring profit to the company. Let me give you a vivid example. Two years ago, we managed to replace the imported reagent supplier with a domestic one. Previously, with the technological service of the Verninskaya Mill (it was a transitional period, when I completed my work in the technological service and began my duties in the technical control service), we conducted a study of the reagent for compliance with all requirements. In terms of quality, the domestic analogue was not inferior to the foreign one, and from an economic point of view, it also turned out to be profitable. With this transition, our company saved over 23 million rubles.
– Your work requires the introduction of modern technologies. What are you participating in today?
– The factory is implementing an accounting system – MES. It can be used to synchronize, coordinate, analyze and optimize numerous processes. Previously, we needed a lot of effort and time to collect all the data – we looked at paper and electronic journals, searched for and compared numbers with protocols. Today, all information is in one information system, which reflects all stages of the movement of the product from the primary processing of ore to the shipment of ligature gold. For example, the result from the laboratory is displayed online on the computer screen. The same applies to volumes – all data is promptly available to us as soon as they are registered by metering devices. Digitalization contributes to increased efficiency and transparency, more rational use of production resources and equipment.
–You were recently nominated for the Talented Woman in the Extractive Industry award. in the “Inspiring Leader” nomination. It was founded by an association Women in Mining Russia ( WIM Russia ).
I am grateful to my colleagues for such an assessment of my work, and to the association for drawing attention to the issues of gender equality and, most importantly, the professional development of women in the extractive industry. We can exchange experience, communicate with like-minded people from other companies, because we often underestimate ourselves, and support and a fresh look from the outside help us grow.
– What can you call your life credo?
– In fact, our whole life is an eternal search for answers to questions. And sometimes the people around us are pushing for answers. Together with a colleague, last year we won the competition of rationalization proposals. Our idea was to reduce the wear of materials by changing the design. This is a flotation tailings sampler. Senior colleagues from the management company helped us to prepare the project. No one offered us ready-made solutions, they shared their experience with us, which is very valuable. As long as a person has a craving for new knowledge, he will grow and develop.